當前位置:生活都>綠色生活>起名>英文情侶名字大全 情侶cp暱稱英文簡單

英文情侶名字大全 情侶cp暱稱英文簡單

生活都 人氣:2.26W


英文情侶名字大全 情侶cp暱稱英文簡單



待我長髮及腰 | 肯定靜電不少

My long hair and waist | must be static

請勿模仿姐 | 請勿模仿哥

Please don't imitate elder sister | please don't imitate elder brother

那是曾經? | 只是回憶?

It is used? | just memories?

折流雲為筆 | 拾落葉為紙

Fold the cloud for pen | leaves for the paper

蠟筆小新@ | 蠟筆小舅@

Crayon small new little brother @ @ | crayons

輕描、幸福的未來 | 淡寫、甜蜜的回憶

Light tracing, happy future | baby write, sweet memory

傾聽你的心跳. | 靜觀你的素顏.

Listen to your heart. | watch you without makeup.

毀你我怕遭雷劈 | 離你我怕遭天譴


Destroy you I was afraid of being hit | from you I am afraid that by the scourge

年華似水流、 | 花落怎知愁 、

Time like water flow, | how do it know sorrow,

情╰╮相惜 | 心╰╮若惜

If love ╰ ╮ pity heart | ╰ ╮ precious little

山有扶蘇 | 隰有荷華

Shan ying fusu | xi Iowa

不高興 | 笑一個

Not happy | a smile

在乎你的在乎 | 心疼你的心疼

Care about you care about | love dearly your heart hurts

成績優異的學生總會反光 | 成績差的學生總會掉渣

Students with excellent grades always reflective | low-achieving students always slag

英文情侶名字大全 情侶cp暱稱英文簡單 第2張


深情已是死罪! | 怎怕挫骨揚灰!

Affection is death! | how afraid fell bone dust!

漁舟唱晚 | 彼岸燈火

Sing night | the shore fishing lights

傾城醉 | 紅顏悴

The whole drunk | beauty strain

始於初見 | 止於終老

Begins with the first | to die

fsミ妖精 | fsミ惡魔

Fs ミ goblin | fs ミ demons

未成年 | 未成熟

Minor | immature

早戀提高情商 | 晚戀有害健康

Puppy love grow emotionally | love late is bad for your health

夏、戀涼。 | 冬、念暖。

Cool summer, love. | winter and warm.

躺着也能睡着 | 站着也能中槍

Lying can sleep | station can also be shot in

人情冷暖. | 冷暖自知.

The changes in temperature. | affair.

入畫淺相思 | 入骨深相知

Show the shallow acacia | deep acquaintance to the marrow

囚我終老. | 心如荒島.

I die. | heart is like a desert island.

傾城醉,醉秋風悲涼 | 紅顏悴,悴君已陌路

The whole drunk, drunk the autumn wind sad | beauty strain, the strain jun has been strangers

浮生若不棄 | 此生則不離

If you can not abandon | life is everywhere

燭火闌珊影孤芳 | 驚雷崩落夢已惘

Candlelight decayed shadow solitary fang | the convulsion of caving dream already

相思花落盡 | 花落相思盡

Acacia flowers all | went missing

清唱過往、 | 執筆抒情、

Cantata, | write lyrical past,


英文情侶名字大全 情侶cp暱稱英文簡單 第3張


愛我你會火 | 跟我賊穩妥

I love you will fire | thief safe with me


If the precious little | mo from

花落、為誰祭 | 花開、誰相惜

Flowers fall, for whom the | flower, who pity

智商已欠費! | 我給你充錢!

IQ has been overdue bills! | I charge money for you!

森呼吸 | 林距離

Sen | Lin from breathing


Left little goof | left, little fool

左手倒影 °┃右手年華 °

Left hand reflection ° ┃ right time °

煎蛋餅的愛情 | 爽歪歪的等待

Omelette love | cool, dropping to wait

一月情 | 六月雨

January | rain in June

反反覆覆一句ヽ| 簡簡單單一句ヽ

Repeated a ヽ ヽ | simple sentence

安等暖陽. | 亦忘風涼.

Such as warming Yang. | also forget cooling.

木蘭箋字雕白首 | 青驄絕塵塑天荒

Mulan depicting words carving whitehead | green Cong white plastic days shortage

沫離、| 沫棄、

Foam from, | foam abandon,

綰酒 | 晩葉

Wan | wine leaves a rainy night


Oxygen(氧氣) ‖ Anoxia(缺氧)

North harbor(北港) ‖ South Bay(南灣)

Always in his heart(久居他心) ‖ Settle in her heart(定居她心)

Decease(死亡) ‖ Revive(復活)

Flies(荏苒) ‖ Wasted(蹉跎)

Then goodbye(那麼再見) ‖ Do not see again(再也不見)

Stars(星辰) ‖ Moon(月亮)

英文情侶名字大全 情侶cp暱稱英文簡單 第4張


Small Teenager(小騷年) ‖ Small mushroom cool(小姑涼)

Sigh(輕歎) ‖ Joke(笑談)

Foll to him(淪陷於他)‖ Foll to she(淪陷於她)

Hesitate(猶豫) ‖ Hesitation(遲疑)

Sunshine(陽光) ‖ Sunflower(向日葵)

Meet(相約) ‖ Fell in love(相戀)

If you come back(如果你回來) ‖ If l Still here(如果我還在)

Guy dream(牽夢) ‖ Of love(之戀)

Iris(鳶尾) ‖ Lancome(蘭蔻)

All say he like a dream(都説他如夢) ‖ All say she devour dream(都説她噬夢)

idiot(笨蛋) ‖ A fool(傻瓜)

Princess(公主) ‖ Knight(騎士)

moon(月亮) ‖ sun(太陽)

Deep memory(深海記憶) ‖ Shallow sea carp(淺海鯉魚)

Cool heart(涼心) ‖ Cool feeling(涼情)

Incubus(夢魘) ‖ Smile(笑靨)

Long before(很久之前) ‖ After a long time(許久之後)

King(國王) ‖ Queen(女王)

Love me don't lie to me(愛我別騙我) ‖ Lie to me don't blame me(騙我別怪我)

You are here(你在這裏) ‖ In my heart(在我心裏)

Flower and youth(花與少年) ‖ Songs such as the girl(歌如少女)

Poppy(罌粟) ‖ Thorn(曼陀羅)

Wish him happiness(祝他幸福) ‖ wish me happy(祝我快樂)

Sunlight(陽光) ‖ Sunflower(向日)
